
Calling all Ex-Prisoners of SuperMax Prisons and Control Units

If you were ever a prisoner in Arizona and were kept in a SuperMax Prison or in a control unit cell - we want YOU!

The American Friends Service Committee-Arizona Area Program is researching the torturous conditions of control units in Arizona. We believe that this form of imprisonment must be eradicated and ended once and for all, and we need your help. We are looking for testimony of prisoners and ex-prisoners who can expose the harsh realities of life in control units.

Post comments on this blog, or email Matthew Lowen @ mlowen@afsc.org. There is no need to reveal your identity if you do not feel comfortable, and we commit to respecting everyone's privacy.


Anonymous said...

This is great that you all are doing this! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I have been horrified to know that prisoners at ADX, Florence Colorado are not allowed to meet the media,or have visits from anyone in the world except immediate family.Does the govt. trying to hide the torture the prisoners are being subjected to? Particularly the terrorism suspects who should have been exposed to media and allowed to tell their side of the story..they are not even allowed to write letters anymore.Why on earth would you not allow them to speak?Why cant we visit them for religious or psychological counseling? Its the most brutal and inhuman thing I have ever heard!I really appreciate your effort but I believe it should be extended out of Arizona at least to ''supermax,Florence colorado.